With the Arizona Draw out and all the hype of the Coveted AZ elk tag make sure you pick the right outfitter for your hunt. These tags dont come easy and it could be another 10-20 years before you get this opportunity again. Koury Guide Service only hunts the White Mountains area and all my guides live in the area.We start scouting in July and scout all the way through your hunt. When booking with a local outfitter that has a proven track record to be the best in the area you know you are getting the most for your tag. We see every year people book with outfitters from out of the area or even out of state and then those outfitters call guides in the area and try to hire them to hunt with there clients. All of my guides have guided with me for over 10 years and all live in the area and know the units inside out and backwards. Many outfitters out there let you shoot a small bull on day one or two of your hunt because you get excited and have never witnessed all the rut activity. At Koury Guide Service we help you kill the biggest bull possible. The phrase we never use that many other guide services use is "The client is happy does it really matter how big it is". Yes it matters...... Here are some of the bulls we killed in the White Mountains area just last year...

All the bulls shown above were all killed in the 2012 season in the White Mountains Areas of unit 1, 3a-3c, 3b, and 4b.
Here are some more elk we have killed inthe past couple years in those same units. Whe you talk units 1,3a-3c,3b,4b no one compares period.
And lets not forget the largest elk to ever be killed in unit 3A-3C and is still #2 in the World Non-Typical Archery. Scoring a gross 442 inches and killed with a bow and at under 20 yards.
Here he is prior to shot.
Congrats to all that drew. And always remember these tags dont come every day.
Give me a call to talk about your tag!!!